Lloyd and Charlotte frolicking in snow

14.3.2023 – Photos by Rebecca Roth

Rebecca visited the Zoo Karlsruhe on the 2nd of March and met two happy polar bears – Lloyd and Charlotte. The reason for the bears’ happiness was the snow that had been delivered to them. Lloyd and Charlotte live in separate enclosures for the time being but, of course, they both got snow.

This is Charlotte – at least you can admire her boomsie! 🙂


This is Lloyd


Lotte is wondering if the white stuff really is snow. She can’t believe her eyes!


Oh yes, it IS snow!


Charlotte – also called Lotte or Lottchen – sure looks happy!


Maybe the snow doesn’t taste so much ….


… but, oh, how nice it is to lie on it.


This ‘ice bomb’ really is icy! 🙂


It’s easy to keep one’s head cold …. 🙂


Lotte staying chilly and being cool!


Snow on my face is the best polar bear make-up!


Lloyd smelled the snow …


…. and decided to taste it.


I don’t have to use my teeth on this stuff.



Then it was time to relax!


Maybe I should change my position a little …


Oh yeah, it’s better now!


Dear Rebecca! Thank you so much for these lovely photos!


  1. LLOyd sieht total elegant schlank aus (das kann doch nicht ‘unser’ altbekannter LLOYD sein, oder??).

    CHARLOTTE aka LOTTE aka LOTTCHEN seems to entertain herself best with and in the snow. Thank you, dear Mervi, for having entertained us not only in showing Rebecca Roth’s entertaining pics but also for having entertained us with your entertaining subtitles 🙂

  2. HMMM . . . “GERDA and her twins” from the ZOO in NOVOSIBIRSK seem have vanished from ‘KM’ (!?)

    Was this on purpose or just another unhappy circumstance in the net?

  3. Dear Rebecca!
    Thank you for the wonderful pictures. Charlotte and Lloyd enjoyed the snow.

  4. Dear Rebecca and dear Mervi!
    I am glad for Charlotte and Lloyd that they were able to enjoy at least a little winter feeling. You can see how much they enjoyed their piles of snow. Thank you for these beautiful pictures!
    I can imagine that Lloyd, who has indeed become quite slim, didn’t take his move so easily. Some bears, or at least many bears, are not really made for travelling… For me, Lloyd and Valeska were a good team. It’s a pity that such harmonious couples are not respected in conservation breeding.


  5. Dear Rebecca,

    how nice that you drove a special load of the white splendor into the enclosure of the two in this otherwise snow-poor winter!

    They show very clearly how much they enjoy it and recognize it as their very own element in their natural environment.

    All polar bear keeping zoos would have to be required to provide their polar bears with an ice cave, as Antibes in France did for Flocke, Rasputin and their cubs, instead of letting the Chinese impose multi-million dollar equipment on their panda loans….

    Thanks for the great photos of Charlotte and Lloyd with love!

  6. Liebe Rebekka

    Was für herrliche Bilder!!!
    Ja, Eisbären und Schnee gehören nach diesen Bildern, definitiv zusammen.
    Er eignet sich als Bären-Makeup oder bär kann ihn einfach futtern,
    Und vor allem kann bär entspannt auf ihm liegen, da er genau die richtige Temperatur für den Eisbär hat.

    Danke für das nette Lebenszeichen von Charlotte und Lloyd.

    Viele Grüße,

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