
Pat Waldron's reports

Sisu and Luka in February

11.2.2025 by Pat Waldron I could witness a real ‘Sisu Fest’ during my last 3 visits to the park…..he has certainly made up for my absence since early December and is looking great. During my […]

Gerti Bichel

A walk in the Neumünster Zoo

11.2.2025 by Gerti ang Ingo Bichel Today’s walk through the still slightly snow-covered Neumünster Zoo. It was another very exciting tour with lots of interesting news from the zoo and plans for this year. 👍 […]

Polar bears in Rostock

Nieselregen in Rostock

10.2.2025 von Gisela Hentschel Heute war Mitgliederversammung des Rostocker Zoovereins. Ich hatte mich schon gefreut, vorher eine Stunde bei den Eisbären verbringen zu können. Nach dem Aufstehen genügte ein Blick aus dem Fenster, um diesen […]

Michelle Rippey

Berit’s trendy dirty look

8.2.2025 by Michelle Rippey Oh, this beautiful lady 🐻‍❄️ definitely prefers the dirty 🐻‍❄️ look. Here’s beautiful Berit. ✌️❤️&🐻‍❄️ 🤣 Looks like the dirty 🐻‍❄️ look has started. Adding a bit pine fresh 🌲 Working […]

Michelle Rippey

Amos the PURRfect serval

6.2.2025 by Michelle Rippey I proudly present Amos in the Milwaukee County Zoo. His space is a tough one for photos, but every so often PURRfect timing helps. Amos has a few admirers out there […]

Memories of Knut

Knut and Snow

5.2.2025 by Mervi Our Knuti bear was cute all seasons but I think he was especially cute lying or playing in the snow. Luckily he had chances to enjoy the white stuff many times. MarionK […]

Ludmila's column

Zoo Leipzig 25.01.2025/I

Am 25.01.2025 haben wir den Zoo Leipzig besucht. Das war ein sehr schöner sonniger Tag. Wir haben unseren Rundgang mit dem Aquarium begonnen. We visited Leipzig Zoo on 25 January 2025. It was a very […]

