Boris is now 26 years old

23.1.2025 by Michelle Rippey

Yesterday was the birthday of the one and only Alaskan 🐻 BORIS!! January 1999 somewhere in Alaska Boris was born. He was found as an orphaned cub and arrived in Milwaukee in June of 1999. Our beloved Boris is not hibernating this year, but have no fear his people are taking extra special care to help him get thru this. Happy 26th, Boris! ✌️❤️&🐻

Boris in November was preparing for hibernation. Prior to this yearBoris was always hibernation ready and not seen until spring.


Boris loves to play in his pool 😍


Yep, he’s more limber than most humans 😍


Boris in December. Perhaps the construction noise is the reason he’s not sleeping.


Boris in January 2025. Whatever the reason, Boris is still up. He is being fed daily, has a live cam for keepers to observe and he will get thru this.


I’m sure the readers of this magazine are joining me when I send our belated birthday greetings. We wish you lots of health and happiness, dear Boris!


  1. Hello Michelle and Mervi,

    perhaps Boris also thinks that at his advanced age, life above ground is now more important than hibernating in the cave.

    Happy Birthday Boris!

  2. Herzlichsten Glückwunsch noch,lieber Boris und alles Liebe und Gute für dich!🧸💓🥰

    Liebe Grüße von Brigitte

  3. Etwas zerzaust sieht der Boris ja schon aus.
    Hoffen wir, dass er noch ein paar schöne
    Jahre hat, in seinem Zoo in Milwaulkee !

  4. Happy birthday, dear Boris!

    Dear Michelle!
    Boris has something particularly endearing about him that you just have to love him. A sweetheart! What a pity that the noise from the construction work is preventing him from going into hibernation!
    It’s wonderful that he still plays and loves going into the water.
    I wish him a good life furthermore and all the love he deserves!


  5. Happy Birthday, dear Boris!
    Dear Michelle and Mervi!
    Thank you for the wonderful pictures of Boris.

  6. Alles GUTE für das neue Lebensjahr wünsche ich dem prächtigen Boris!🐻💝
    Er wird schon wissen,warum er keine Winterruhe machen und lieber draußen aktiv sein möchte…😉

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