Paw waves from Nuenen

22.2.2023 – Photos by Hans Muskens

Hello! We would like to shake paws with you all but maybe it’s safer that we just send you nice paw waves ….



What a pity it’s not been snowing. My fur would need a roll in the white stuff!


Nothing special to report of the polar bears. Elva is is a beautiful young polar bear girl.


Unfortunately she hasn’t been able to find a new home yet.



Mama Frimas still allows her to visit her milk bar. Elva is her baby even when she’s quite a big baby. 🙂

Oavsett om hon gillar det eller inte sÄ ammar Elva fortfarande

WilbĂ€r has to patiently wait until Frimas is ‘free’ again.



WilbĂ€r is wondering why he hasn’t been introduced to Lady Frimas yet. He knows she’s there ….

Dear WilbÀr! Many young polar bears are looking for new homes so it will maybe take quite a long time until Elva can move to another zoo. Sorry!


Frimas and Elva having a private discussion


The wolf puppies are big wolves now. Here’s the clan gathered for a family portrait.


The lions played hide-and-seek behind a fur tree.


It’s still the hibernation season for brown bears but these two can’t decide …


… to sleep or not to sleep – that’s the question. I know that the brownies in Finland are already awake so I guess it’s too late to start sleeping now ….


The penguins are rehearsing synchronized swimming. 🙂


That’s all for this time but we’ll be back soon!



  1. Dear Hans!
    Thank you for the wonderful pictures. I hope Elva will move in the other zoo very soon.

  2. Dear Hans,

    thank you for the beautiful photos with the three bears and the other pretty zoo inhabitants.

    Once again it shows how long the cubs are closely connected with their mother, if you let them.
    WilbĂ€r muss just have to be patient for a while….

    Best wishes!
    Britta- Gudrun

  3. Lieber Hans!
    Danke fĂŒr die aktuellen und schönen Fotos aus Nuenen, speziell fĂŒr die vielen ausdrucksstarken BĂ€renportrĂ€ts! Ich drĂŒcke Elva die Daumen, dass bald ein gutes neues Zuhause fĂŒr sie gefunden wird, was bei der Zahl der Aspiranten nicht einfach sein dĂŒrfte.
    Den beiden knuffigen BraunbĂ€ren und dem gĂ€hnenden Tiger fĂŒhle ich mich zur Zeit besonders nah…!

    Herzliche GrĂŒĂŸe

    Beste Hans!
    Bedankt voor de recente en prachtige foto’s uit Nuenen, vooral voor de vele expressieve berenportretten! Ik duim voor Elva dat ze snel een goed nieuw thuis voor haar wordt gevonden, wat gezien het aantal aspiranten wellicht niet eenvoudig zal zijn.
    Ik voel me op dit moment vooral verbonden met de twee vermoeide knuffelberen en de geeuwende tijger…!

    Vriendelijke groeten

  4. Thank you very much dear Mervi and Hans.
    Best wishes to Wilbaer, Frimas, Elva and the other animals in Nuenen.

  5. Lieber Hans

    Danke fĂŒr Deine feinen Bilder!
    Ich freue mich, dass es all den weißen und braunen BĂ€ren so gut geht.
    WilbĂ€r muss sich noch in Geduldigkeit ĂŒben.

    Die Wolfwelpen sind mÀchtig gewachsen!
    Witzig finde ich, die synchronschwimmenden Pinguine. Ich muss sagen, sie beherrschen es.

    Ich danke fĂŒr den herrlichen Rundgang.


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