5.2.2025 by Mervi
Our Knuti bear was cute all seasons but I think he was especially cute lying or playing in the snow. Luckily he had chances to enjoy the white stuff many times.
MarionK took this photo when Knut experienced snow for the first time.
Knut loved to have dark fur ….
… but after some rolling in the snow he was snow white!
A Christmas tree was a popular toy …
… and, of course, even ball games were on the schedule.
Oh bear, it was so wonderful and exciting!
Sometimes Knut just wanted to relax on the white stuff.
Naturally I just had to make some Winter collages.
Here’s the trojka – Knut, Flocke and Raspi
The Snow Aid Team
In this collage I let Knut visit a magic ice castle.
Adorable is the word!
Photos by MarionK, Monika aus Berlin, Gudrun, Frans
Dumba’s tribute to Knut
Dear Mervi!
Thank you for the sweet memories. Knut liked snow.
Thank you for the collage.
Liebe Mervi!
Vielen Dank für die zauberhaften Schneebilder von unserem Knut. Ich erinnere mich immer wieder gern daran.
Vielen Dank auch an Dumba für die schönen Collagen.
Liebe Grüße
Thank you very much dear Mervi.
We will always love you dear Knuti.
Vielen Dank für die schönen “Schnee-Erinnerungs-Fotos” von Knut…❄🐻❄️❄💝
Er war schon ein ganz besonderer,einzigartiger Eisbär und er bleibt unvergessen…🐻❄️💖
Dear Mervi!
These photos of Knut touch me deeply. Thank you for showing them to us again! He was so lovable and charming. My favourite picture is the dirty, happy little bear seeing snowflakes for the first time. So sweet!
His soulful look in the last photo of Frans goes deep into one’s heart!
Thank you also for the lovely collages!
Es kommt einem wie gestern vor und
doch ist es schon so lange her…
Die Fotos von Frans gefallen mir
besonders gut !