4.2.2025 by Pat Waldron
When I visited the Yorkshire Wildlife Park on the 25th of January I could witness some cute scenes with polar bears.
Luka was preparing his bed
I think it’s good enough now.
A little fairy tale without so many words
Once upon a time there were Three Bears! One named Luka who wanted to Chill ….
….. one named Indie who wanted a Hug
….. and one named Yuma who didn’t want to be Left Out!
And they all live very happily together at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park.
Thank you very much dear Pat and Mervi.
Best wishes to Luka, Indie and Yuma.
Dear Pat and Mervi!
Thank you for the heartwarming pictures of the three bears,
Dear Pat and dear Mervi!
I’m delighted that the boys get on so well and even share a den to sleep in. You can also see from the colour of their fur that they have gone to sleep happy and content. Unfortunately, the sight of sleeping bears, whether white, black or brown, always makes me very tired… Well, it’s also just before twelve o’clock.
Good night!
Its funny, to watch the friendship between the bears
and how they share their “bedroom” together… 🙂
Thank you for the interesting photos!
…Wirklich herzerwärmend, da möchte ich einer von den Dreien sein…🐻❄️🐻❄️🐻❄️💝😊