A new year has begun in Eindhoven!

11.1.2025 – Photos by Hans Muskens

A new year has began even in the Eindhoven Zoo. This time of the year many animals are more or less tired.

The raccoon found a nice place for a nap.


Mama lynx and her kitten were walking – this time to opposite directions.


The baby lynx’ napping place doesn’t look so comfortable but the baby doesn’t seem to care. 🙂


However, napping on the ground close to mama is better!


The cheetah clan were very curious about what was happening behind the door.


Most brown bears are hibernating now but these brownies seem to be a bit uncertain about the Winter nap.

Hmm, are we supposed to sleep now?


I may be a little tired but I’m not sleepy!


Let’s take a nap here while we’re waiting for the visitors!


The wolves entertained the visitors with a wonderful new year concert. 🙂

howling wolves

It looks like Frimas and Otis are looking for something. I wonder if they miss the smell of Wilbär ….


Frimas and Otis like to take walkabouts in their enclosure.

Mama, I believe we have a feathered stalker!


Don’t you worry, sonny – it’s only a friendly bird.


Otis has decided to wear the very off-white shade in his fur.



Frimas is sniffing some fresh air. Maybe she’s hoping there would be some real Winter days so her son could play in the snow.


It would be so nice with some snow. Maybe I would slip into a whiter fur then …. 🙂


I love this photo of the mother and her son!


Otis wishes you all a very happy year 2025!


PS. When I publish this article I know it’s been snowing in Eindhoven. Maybe I can show you some snowy photos next time.


  1. Dear Hans!
    Thank you for the New Year greetings from the Eindhoven zoo. The lynx mama and the child are beautiful.
    Otis and Frimas are lovely together.

  2. Dear Hans!
    What great pictures! One is always more beautiful than the other! I really like the sleeping raccoon and the lynx cub slumbering in a rather unusual position.
    The lynx family as a whole is very photogenic, as are the cheetahs, I love the brown bears anyway and the wolves howl so passionately that you think you can hear them.
    Frimas and Otis are a wonderful mother/child pair and the last photo of Otis is really heart-warming. However, the fact that Wilbär is no longer there gives me a stab in the heart.
    Thanks for sharing!


  3. Fantastic photos from your Zoo !
    My favourites are the lazy racoon
    & charming Otis in different colours.
    🙂 But the big cats and the wolfs are
    also a “Hingucker”, like we would say.

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