Luka and Yuma felt like dancing

31.1.2025 – Photos by Pat Waldron

On the 25th of January Luka was having a nice relaxing time watching Yuma playing in the water.




Yuma tried to invite Luka to join him …

luka Yuma1

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… and finally Luka accepted the invitation.

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Well, the water temperature is acceptable!

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Let me check your ears!

luka yuma bath6

Clean and presentable!

luka yuma bath 6

Polar bear fountain

luka yuma bath4

After the swimming tour and games in the water Yuma thought it was time for dancing. 🙂

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Luka, come on! Be a sport and dance with me!

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OK! Since you ask so nicely.

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Let’s shake our boomsies!

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After a busy day Luka was tired and started preparing his bed.

luka bed 1

Soon he had company ….

… to be continued ….


  1. Dear Pat and Mervi
    Thank you for these words and pictures of Luka from Wupoertal enjoying the company of Yuma, Flocke and Raspi’s youngest

  2. Dear Pat and dear Mervi!
    What pleasant and beautiful pictures!
    It’s great that Luka and Yuma have made friends, are playing and even dancing together. Luka looks content and at peace with himself, he makes a very good impression! The company of the young bear is obviously doing him good.
    Thank you for showing us!


  3. Es ist schön,dass nicht nur Nobby, sondern auch Luka eine gute Tatze für die beiden Jungs Yuma und Indie hat!!
    Luka genießt die Gesellschaft der beiden jüngeren Bären und die beiden können neue Erfahrungen sammeln…👍🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️👌👏😊

  4. Kein “englisches Wetter”: die Bärchen dürfen bei
    schönstem Sonnenschein spielen. Eine erbauliche
    Fotostrecke – man dankt dafür ! 🙂

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