27.1.2025 – Photos by Imbi Taniel and Inari Leiman
I don’t know what the weather is like in Tallinn for the time being but I know there has been snow. Of course, the white stuff was a great delight for Imaq, Inuk and Friida.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Polar bear photos with snowy backgrounds are always wonderful.
In this photo it looks like the clouds are pale northern lights …. 🙂
Hey, I need some help! Where are the porters when you need them?
Although we have lots of toys the best ‘toy’ to play with is my dear sister. 🙂
Friendly wrestling is always on the schedule.
This is what I call a real bear hug!
After some playing in the snow it was time to check the water temperature …
… which was found quite suitable for a nice swimming tour.
The orange tube can maybe used as a periscope …
Beautiful faces
Lovely Friida thanks you for watching.
Dear Imbi and Inari, thank you for the great pictures of the 3 girls in the snowy Tallin
Eisbären im Schnee, wie schön, dass dies auch in Zoos möglich ist!!Und die dre Eisbärinnen in Tallinn genießen die weiße Pracht!! Inuk und Imaq sind ein Herz und eine Seele und Friida ist eine ausgesprochen schöne Eisbärin!!👍🐻❄️🐻❄️🐻❄️👌❄❄❄😊
Dear Imbi and Inari!
Thank you for the news from Tallinn. The polar bears enjoyed the snow. They have the nice enclosures.
Für die Eisbären ist das Wetter natürlich ideal.
Die Beiden scheinen sich gut zu verstehen.
Schöne Fotos ! 🙂
Dear Imbi and Inari!
It’s great that the polar bears in Tallinn can also enjoy a winter with snow, that they can play together and get toys. The photos are great and the bears make a good impression. Thanks for showing them!
Are the three of them actually together in one enclosure, or is that planned? I’ve somehow lost track…