30.1.2025 – Photos by Hans Muskens
The Winter in the Eindhoven Zoo isn’t very white but Otis, Frimas & Co are enjoying this season anyway.
When Hans took these photos Otis was ‘dressed’ in a multi coloured fur.
He was taking a walkabout before it was time for food.
Oh no, the water isn’t cold enough! Hey, it’s Winter and we should have ice!
Otis shared a big piece of meat with mama Frimas.
Although Otis is a big boy now he still is a baby compared to mama.
After the yammy meal it was time for another walkabout.
This time Otis could admire himself in the water mirror.
Oh bear, there are two of me!!!
The arctic fox is dressed in Winter colours and probably waiting for some snow.
The lynx kitten seems to have had a shower …. :- – or maybe it has just rained.
I guess it’s more comfortable to stay on the ground with mama.
The lion brothers walked side by side. The grass is still incredibly green for this time of the year.
It’s been snowing a little even in Eindhoven but this is the only ‘snowy’ photo I can show here.
This lovely couple is a perfect closing number of this article. How sweet they are!
Dear Hans & Mervi
Polarbears seesm to be in good mood.
Otis has grown a lot. The big cats
are my favorite animals:
male lions are gorgeous,
and so are the tigers! 🙂
Wow,wie groß der kleine Otis geworden ist!! Aber immer noch sehr aktiv und an Mama Frimas Seite!!
Die Spiegelfotos sind besonders schön,auch Otis hat wohl Gefallen daran, sich im Wasser zu sehen…🌦🐻❄️👌
Ich hoffe, dass es für alle die schönen Tiere im Eindhoven Zoo noch ordentlich Schnee und für Otis dickes Eis auf dem See gibt…❄🐻❄️❄❄✊
Dear Hans and Mervi!
Otis is a lovely child. It is great to see him with his mother.
The big cats are beautiful. The artic fox would like to have the snow.
Dear Hans and Mervi!
It’s always nice to see happy polar bears and these ones must really be very happy… The photo of the reflection of Otis is great. Even though he has grown quite a bit, he still looks kind of childlike. The handsome polar fox has a beautiful winter coat! Maybe he will still need it… The big cats also look very attractive and the two antelopes with the beautiful eyes seem to be close friends.
Thanks for the lovely impressions from Eindhoven!