Nuenen – The last of the Summer wine

22.9.2023 – Photos by Hans Muskens

The Fall is around the corner but the animals in Dierenrijk Nuenen can still enjoy the last days of the Summer.


The brownies may be enjoying the last of the Summer honey instead of the Summer wine  … 🙂


In Finland brown bears are also called honeypaws (mesikämmen) and this beauty sure looks like a real honeypaw!


Oh my, in this photo the cheetah seems to be eating the flowers. 🙂 Well, he/she was only yawning.


Here’s another yawning sweetie. The arctic fox puppies are growing fast and soon it’s time for them to change the colour of their furs.


The lynx has made itself comfortable in the grass.


We are family!


The lion brothers are as gorgeous as always. What a nice hairdo the guy on the left has! 🙂


This is a very special photo because we can see both Frimas and Wilbär in the same picture. However, they live in separate enclosures.


Frimas chilling in the green grass.


The polar bear lady is looking for something …


…. and her treasure hunting was succesful. Bon appetit, Frimas!


Frimas certainly is a very beautiful polar bear lady. What a pity she’s not allowed to charm Wilbär – not yet anyway.


I wonder what Wilbär has smelled?


Wilbär loves to swim in his pool.


After a swimming tour it’s nice to have a nap.


The animals in Nuenen wish you all a pleasant late Summer/early Fall!


Dear Hans! Thank you so much for these wonderful photos!


    • DearHans and Mervi
      I made a surprise visit to Nuenen on Tuesday 19 September on my way from Berlin to Rotterdam. It is a difficult zoo to get to without a car and I had to take a taxi to and from Eindhoven station.
      Thank you Hans for the photos. A young chap on the main reception told me that Wilbaer and Frimas had been together in the mating season but were now separate.

  1. Dear Hans,
    dear Mervi,

    honeypaw is a nice nickname for the brown bears, as honey is one of their favourite foods.

    Wilbär is doing well and I and everyone else are very happy about his new home here after the disaster at Orsapark. He is a particularly handsome bear without the typical male polar bear lump on his nose. Keeping him and Frimas separate for a breeding break is certainly a good idea – a wise decision.

    The Artic Foxes will probably experience their first winter as snow-white and the Cheeta can only muster a weary yawn for this colour change. The hairdoo of the male lions is always very impressive and it seems to be a bit too cool for the monkeys.

    Thank you both for great pictures and texts with best regards!

  2. Dear Hans and Mervi!
    Thank you very much for the delightful, late summer pictures from Nuenen! The photos are super and the animals seem to enjoy the sunshine and the now moderate temperatures. I found them all quite beautiful: the snowy owl, the handsome brown bears, the cheetah with the big mouth, the lynx, the cuddly monkeys and the magnificent lions, but I found the little arctic fox, still dressed all in dark grey, especially cute.
    Wilbär seems to have coped well with his move, he looks fit and relaxed. Frimas appears to be well prepared for the resting period and has built up a lot of reserves…

    If I may make one wish, I would like to see our lady rhinoceros Narayani again, at least on photos, and find out how she is doing. I had hoped that she would also come back to Berlin together with Jhansi. Now, unfortunately, Jhansi is back without her.


  3. Ein herzliches DANKESCHÖN für die schönen Fotogrüße aus Nuenen!!
    Ich freue mich ebenfalls, dass Wilbär ein neues Zuhause gefunden hat!!
    Dennoch warte ich auf die gute Nachricht, dass Ewa und Miki ebenfalls einen guten Platz bekommen haben, ähnlich wie Hope und deren Zwillinge…✊🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🤗

  4. Dear Hans and Mervi!
    Thank you for the pictures from Nuenen. I hope in the Spring Frimas and Wilbär will come together.
    All animals enjoyed a warm day.

  5. Dear Hans!

    Yes, it really is getting autumn now. The temperatures are no longer hot, especially at night.
    I think the animals are just as happy as we humans that the summer heat is over. We all, whether human or animal, are now enjoying autumn.
    Your wonderful pictures depict and show me contented animals and special photographs.
    Thank you.


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