Sisu as a magician

28.1.2025 – Photos by Pat Waldron

Terve! Hello! It’s me – your gorgeous Sisu calling again. It’s been a while since my last newsletter but here I am now.

When Pat visited me on the 25th of January I was on my own.



I spent a lot of time wandering around in the big enclosure.


Well, finally I got bored and decided to do something else.


People don’t wear same clothes all the time so I thought I may need some variation, too.

I don’t have to dye my fur ….


… because a couple of minutes rolling on the mulch does the trick!

sisu brown bear2

Voilá! I’m now a polar bear with capuccino fur. 🙂

sisu brown bear

No matter what the colour of my fur is – I look smashing anyway! I’m sure you agree!

sisu brown bear4

sisu brown bear5

Now it’s time for some hocus pocus. Please, follow me!


We’ve had some snow this Winter but it melted away. However, the water is refreshingly cold and invites for a nice swim.



Oh yeah, I love the cold water. I often wonder why the two legged creatures prefer warm water …. well, they are odd in many other ways, too.


Now a little shake off ….


… or two …



… and simsalabim! Here’s a brand new Sisu with white fur!

sisu white bear

Thank you for watching! I hope I’ll be back soon. Thank you, dear Pat, for taking all these fantastic photos!


  1. Sisu steht der graue Anzug sehr gut. 🙂
    Aber auch strahlend weiß kann er punkten,
    besonders wenn so schön die Sonne scheint.
    Ich glaube, Sisu hat ein tolles Leben dort.

  2. Hallo Sisu,
    Dein Capucchino Outfit gefällt mir prima und schmutzige Bären sind ja bekanntermaßen die glücklichsten Bären und so soll es auch bleiben!

  3. Dear Pat and Mervi!
    Thank you for this update on this happy Viking! Whether white, black or grey, Sisu is a gorgeous polar bear and he seems to be happy. That’s good! One of the reasons why bears are so lovable is that they are so pleasure-loving. It’s nice to see him enjoying the sunshine.
    I immediately agree that the two-legged creatures are strange in many ways…


  4. Dear Pat and Mervi!
    Thank you for the news about Sisu. He looks wonderful and have a lot to do.

  5. Egal ob als Cappuccino- oder als Eisbär, Sisu sieht einfach prächtig aus und er genießt seine Anlage im YWP zu jeder Jahreszeit und bei jedem Wetter!!!💝🐻‍❄️👌👏😊

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