Hamish and the red canue

10.9.2024 – Photos by Pat Waldron

Hello! Many of you already know me but let me introduce myself anyway. I’m Hamish and I live in the Yorkshire Wildlife Park.

The rangers (keepers) want to keep us happy with all kinds of enrichment and this time they gave me this nice canue.

Hamish and the red canoe13

Of course, I wanted to check if it’s eatable …

Hamish and the red canoe6

No, it isn’t but I left my ‘tooth marks’ on it.

Hamish and the red canoe5

Oh bear, why don’t they make these canues polar bear proof!

Hamish and the red canoe8

Sorry, dear canue. I didn’t mean to break you but I’m a strong polar bear ….

Hamish and the red canoe9

…. and sometimes I forget how strong I am.

Hamish and the red canoe11

I love you anyway! You’re beautiful even with some minor beauty bugs!

Hamish and the red canoe12

Hamish and the red canoe3

Hamish and the red canoe2


  1. Dear Pat,

    Hamisch loves his Canu more than anything and that shows each of your great photos, thank you very much and best regards!

  2. Dear Pat!
    It’s always wonderful to see how happy polar bears get about toys and materials to keep them occupied. Hamish can’t get enough of his red kayak, even though he still hasn’t worked out what it’s for…
    Apart from that, he wouldn’t have fitted in anyway.
    Many thanks for the great photos!


  3. Hamish scheint das rote Kanu wirklich “zu lieben”! Das ist besser, “als es zum Fressen gern zu haben”!!
    Die Fotos von Pat zeigen immer wieder, dass es den Eisbären im YWP gut geht und das Tierpflegerteam sich sehr darum bemüht, dass es so ist!!👍😊👌👏😊

  4. Dear Pat and Mervi

    Hamish has really settled down in YWP and is a fine Polar Bear nearly grown up.
    I am pretty certain he is hoping to make the red kayak become food.

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