5.7.2024 by Mervi, Photos by Gudrun
We called 2007 the year ‘TwothousandKnut’ and the Summer was, of course, a season we will never forget either. We were so happy in our fairy tale like ‘Knut world’.
There are thousands and thousands of photos of our magic bear and they are all lovely! It’s no wonder because he was so cute, so sweet, so adorable …..
When we visited Knut we could spend hours just watching him napping.
Even as a small cubbie Knut was interested in gardening and managed to make his enclosure much greener by moving plants!
His enclosure was much critizised but compared to enclosures in many zoos it was quite cosy.
He always carried his food to the ‘dinner table’.
Sometimes he prefered the darker shade of white …..
He was so fluffy and roundish. What a cute belly!
Daddy Thomas Dörflein had made him a nice comfortable mulch bed.
What a happy Summer it was! Now afterwards I sometimes wonder if it was true but luckily there are photos and videos proving that it was true. We share many fantastic memories that can brighten up our days when we feel down. Our magic bear hasn’t lost his magic!!
Dumba’s tribute to our magick bear
“Ein Märchen aus (ur)alten Zeiten,das geht mir nicht aus dem Sinn…”
I like the photos of Gudrun as much as I love the NEW accompanying text of Mervi, which can be a right ‘article of introduction ‘to those who didn’t know too many details about KNUTi’s life and the whole story around him so far.
Thanks to the both of you. Even to me, who was/is very familiar with (next to) everthing around Knut, it read like interesting ‘news’ 🙂
Dear Mervi!
Thank you for these beautiful memories of our special “Summer of Love”.
Knut was particularly adorable back then: cuddly, charming, playful, very handsome and especially lovable. Everyone who saw him at that time immediately fell in love with him. It’s a good thing there are so many photos and videos from that time, otherwise you’d really think it was all just a dream…
Knut was quite chubby at 1 1/2 years old, which I found very cute. Somehow it looked as if he was wearing thick Pampers under his fur.
A real heartbreaker!
Dear Mervi!
Thank you for this lovely story.We were often worried about Knut and we were very happy.
Dear Mervi
2007 was an amazing year when Berlin became Knut City. People met at his enclosure.
The bus ride from Tegel airport to the Zoo was always the start of a magical time.
Thank you for helping to keep those memories alive
Dear Mervi,
Knut was adorable as a baby bear and despite all the prophecies of doom from many sceptics, he was still much loved as a growing and adult bear. We followed his development with great attention and he also had fun with his fans, with whom he even learnt to play ball – a fantastic interaction.
All this remains unforgotten and he will always be in our hearts anyway!
Many thanks for the beautiful photos by Gudrun, one of many great and loyal yard photographers!
Best regards
Liebe Mervi,
Knut war als Babybär bezaubernd und entgegen aller Unkenrufe von vielen Skeptikern auch als wachsenender und erwachsener Bär weiterhin heiß geliebt. Wir haben seine Entwicklung mit großer Aufmerksamkeit verfolgt und er hatte auch Spaß mit seinen Fans, mit denen er sogar Ball spielen lernte – eine fantastische Interaktion.
All das bleibt unvergessen und er sowieso immer in unserem Herzen!
Vielen Dank für die schönen Fotos von Gudrun, eine von vielen tollen und treuen Hoffotogräfinnen!
Liebe Grüße
dear Mervi
the time was like a fairy tale but it was true, not for a long time but unforgettable
Knut is for ever in our hearts
thank you for sharing with us
liebe Dumba
vielen Dank für die schöne Collage
dear greetings
Wunderbare Erinnerungen an eine wunderbare Zeit und KNUT lebt weiter in unseren Herzen und all den Eisbären, die Dank ihm unser Leben weiterhin bereichern…🐻❄️💝
Ja, es war,ist und bleibt MAGIE…🐻❄️💖
Thank you very much dear Mervi, Gudrun and Dumba.
Dear Knuti, we will always love you. You will always be in our hearts.
Liebe Mervi!
Vielen Dank, dass Du an das Sommermärchen mit unserem Zauberbären erinnerst.
Ich werde Knut und diese Zeit nie vergessen.
Liebe Grüße
Knut war so ein süßer
und verspielter Bär!
💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖