The bears in the Nikolaev Zoo in Ukraine

xx.5.2024 – Source: Nikolaev Zoo and Molly Merrow

This zoo opened in the year 1901 and now the number of the animals there is over 5200! The Nikolaev (Mykolaiv) Zoo presents the bears that now live in in the zoo.

Four bears are kept in our zoo – Polar bears Zefirka and her daughter Smetanka, and Kamchatka brown bears brothers Myron and Vakula.



Zerfirka is daughter of Simona, granddaughter of Uslada. That makes Zefirka sister of Gerda. Smetanka’s father is Nanuk, son of Cora and Umka of Zoo Brno. Nanuk now lives in Aywaille Belgium with our Crystal’s sister Blanche, and Blanche’s daughter Qannik.

In our zoo there are enclosures with swimming pools, cosy cages and a full nutritional diet that includes fish, meat, vegetables, fruits. The natural filling of animal spaces – tyres, stumps, koryagi – are wonderful elements to enrich the environment of our animals. And observation sites are equipped for visitors, from where they can safely observe the giants every season of the year.

Myron and Vakula




It’s Spring now but in the Winter time there is snow!


We invite everyone to meet our bears, because they really like to be at the centre of attention.


Mervi’s note: Despite the war the keepers in the Nikolaev Zoo are doing their best for their beloved bears – and, of course, even for all the other animals in this zoo. I sincerely hope the animals and their keepers in every zoo in Ukraine could be safe from the horrors of the war!



  1. Liebe Mervi, vielen Dank für diesen Bericht und die Fotos von den Bären.
    Deinen guten Wünschen für diese Bären, sowie für alle Tiere des Zoos und die Menschen, die dort arbeiten, kann ich mich nur anschließen!!💝
    Es ist nicht zu verstehen, welches Leid der MENSCH seinesgleichen und seinen Mitgeschöpfen antut…

  2. Menschen und Tiere leiden unglaublich in diesem verbrecherischen Krieg.
    Und es ist kein Ende in Sicht. 🙁 Umso höher ist das Engagement der
    Pfleger zu sehen, die weiter ihre Tiere versorgen, so gut es geht!

  3. Dear Mervi!
    My heart is heavy these days and I hope and pray that the destruction and killing will finally come to an end. I wish the bears and their carers that they don’t lose heart and make it through safely!


  4. Dear Mervi!
    I hope the animals and the people in Ukraine will survive this nightmare.

  5. Die Zoohaltung in Kriegszeiten ist ganz besonders schwierig,
    sowohl sicherheitstechnisch als auch versorgungsmäßig.
    Daran muss ich in diesen Zeiten so oft denken.
    Also alle Achtung vor der Arbeit der Pfleger vor Ort!

  6. Thank you for the interesting report from the zoo in Kiev. It is certainly not easy to look after the animals in times of war. I hope that this terrible war will soon be over.

    Thank you, dear Mervi, for this thread.
    Hugs, Anita

  7. Ich kann nur den Hut heben wie die Pfleger das durchhalten und den Tieren das Bestmögliche geben in diesen schrecklichen Zeiten. Ich bin froh Bilder von Zefirka und Smetanka zu sehen.

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