29.4.2024 – Source: Almaty Zoo, Kazakstan
Our polar bear Purga, who arrived from the Moscow zoo last year, is a participant in a special program for the conservation of polar bears.
We have already found a “groom” for her in Europe and, hopefully, he will arrive soon and they will start a family. After all, the main goal of modern zoos is to preserve the gene pool of wild animals.
Purga’s ‘groom’ is Tom who’s coming from the Prague Zoo. It looks like this sweet lady bear is looking forward to meet Tom.
On the 25th of February (Sunday) the Prague Zoo celebrated the International Polar Bear Day and the visitors had a chance to say goodbye to Tom. Maybe he’s already on the way to the Almaty Zoo … or maybe he has already arrived.
This is Tom in February in Martina Ho’s photos
Welcome, Tom – I’m waiting for you!
Da heißt es Daumen drücken und hoffen, dass Purga und Tom sich gut verstehen werden!!🐻❄️🐻❄️✊
Dear Mervi!
I hope Purga and Tom will like each other.
Dear Mervi!
Thank you for this update, which doesn’t make me very happy because I feel sorry for Tom, who has to leave his home where he was doing well after many years.
But of course, like Mirjam, I wish both bears all the best and hope they are a good “match”!
Liebe Mervi,
Tom ist noch sehr jung und wird nach der schönen Zeit mit seiner “Oma” Berit mit der jüngeren Partnerin hoffentlich gut auskommen. Das wünsche ich ihm von ganzem Herzen!
Dear Mervi
Thank you for the interesting news.
I hope that the two bears get along well and they have a good time together.
unfortunatelly, Tom arrived to Almaty Zoo on 28 March 28th, but today, the Prague Zoo issued a statement saying that Tom died in Almaty on May 4th, but they announced it to Prague Zoo just today.
We don’t know anything about Purga, we hope nothing happened to her either. No one knows why Tom died, everything is suspicious.
Dear Nikola,
What sad news of poor Tom. I didn’t understand why he had to move and now he’s gone. I agree with you that it’s suspicious that the Almaty Zoo informed the Prague Zoo so late.
Leider passierte sowas schon öfter.
Immer wieder auf Transporten, oder
kurz danach. Bären werden in Zoos
abgegeben, die dubios sind und
das EEP ist nicht hilfreich.
Es ist traurig… 🙁