Up close and personal with the Aalborg bears

27.12.2023 – Photos and story by Molly Merrow

The Aalborg Zoo polar bear home, with its large picture windows and fine underwater viewing, lends itself very well to meeting and interacting with bears, who are often curious about the visitors too. Sometimes there are dogs who come by, and the the bears love these furry visitors, sometimes jumping right at them for the scary effect. Oh yes, the bears know how to have fun.

I remember having long heart to heart conversations with Augo in 2011, who seemed to covet my purse. How I miss her! Augo was Malik’s first cub.



But some bears seem to have a real bond with our Man from Oxford, Ralph. In 2019, he charmed Malik’s twins Nuka and Qilak with his shopping bag. These two girls have since moved to Pairi Daiza in Belgium, where they have a lovely home.



In September of 2023, Ralph came to visit again, and soon struck up a friendship with one of the cubs I shall call Inuk, although we are not sure which cub has which name. This is the cub who likes to stay close to her mother, and is more reluctant to go into the water than her sister, whom we shall call Imaq.

Inuk liked Ralph’s travel bag, and tried to munch on his hat through the glass. But mostly, Ralph and Inuk just sat and had a nice chat. Inuk showed her friendship with her many expressions, often involving teeth.






She is quite the flirt.


Sometimes both cubs got involved in this friendship, as they would come over to Ralph, again and again.


Over the several days that Ralph was there with the Aalborg bears, Inuk quite often gave Ralph her full attention.


Sometimes they chatted under the watchful eye of Mother Malik.

We also had the great privilege to feed the bears behind the scenes, as part of the polar bear gathering. Aalborg Zoo was showing its appreciation of the polar bear fan group that has given their support to the bears for years. Anyone who came to the zoo that day could be part of the fun, and Ralph enjoyed giving celery to Imaq and Inuk.


Aalborg Zoo is indeed a special place for polar bear fans. Ralph, like many of us, longs to come back for another visit in 2024.


  1. Sometimes I wonder, what would happen, if there aren´t the windows and the bars? But so or so, the bears & Ralph had their fun with the meetings. To feed the animals, is a special privilege and fun, for shure. Thank you for the nice photos, dear Molly % Mervi!

  2. Dear Mölln!
    You wrote a lovely story and took the wonderful pictures of Ralph.
    It is great to know that there is a glass plate between Ralph and a bear.

  3. Dear Molly and Mervi!
    It’s plain to see that Ralph has completely lost his heart to the largest land predator on earth… And the polar bears seem to know and appreciate this, the way they present themselves to him at the window: strong, powerful, feisty, but also curious or quietly “smiling”. It was certainly the absolute highlight of this visit to the zoo when he was allowed to feed them and I am delighted for him that this was possible.
    Thank you for this lovely report!


  4. Dear Molly,

    these are wonderful photos you took with Ralph and his beloved polar bears. Ralph, I still remember your reports and the bears’ great interest in your bags.

    Ralph, your patient observation shows that the bears are happy to interact with the visitors if they are willing to observe and linger and not just walk past like many visitors. Yes, and of course dogs are also perceived as potential prey.
    Oh yes, there were countless photos with small children and dogs and Knut on the windscreen back then…

    The behind-the-scenes feedings are of course an absolute highlight that everyone envies you for!

    Mervi, many thanks for this lovely entry and best wishes!

  5. dear Molly,
    you have made so wonderful pictures of Ralph and the bears,I can imagine Ralph was very happy to meet the bears so close at the window
    thank you for your nice report, it is also a joy for us
    dear Mervi,thank you for sharing this report by Molly with us
    big paw waves to all

  6. Dear Molly,
    Thank you so much for sharing your photo’s of Ralph’s unbelievably amazing experience with the polar bears in Aalborg.
    Ralph certainly made a strong connection with them and I cannot begin to imagine how this must have felt.
    I do know how special it is to actually feed these beautiful white furry giants, so thanks must also go to Aalborg Zoo for allowing visitors on the day to feed them. 🐻‍❄️💕🐻‍❄️💕🐻‍❄️

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